Mashed "sweet potatoes"

For many people, a fancy sweet potato side dish is a sign of a special holiday meal. Can we make a lowcarb version? Yes, with pumpkin and ThickenThin not/Cereal.

Pumpkin is the only winter squash that is low enough in carbs for most lowcarbers, with 13g bioavailable carb per cup (20g total less 7g fiber). So, while not a free food, a reasonable portion is acceptable for most of us. But don't try it with other winter squashes like acorn or butternut but they have several times the amount of bioavailable carbs.

If you use canned pumpkin (making fresh pumpkin puree is a load of work and even Gourmet Magazine recommends canned pumpkin for pies), just dissolve 1 Tbs not/Cereal per cup of puree in a little liquid. Stir into puree and prepare according to your favorite recipe.

I don't have a favorite recipe to pass on -- I just keep reading cookbooks and trying different things. Everything so far has been tasty, but some recipes don't hide the pumpkin flavor. Fortunately my family likes pumpkin flavor.

BTW, fresh pumpkin cubes used like potatoes are great in lowcarb stews and soups. I just wish I could get it all year round.

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not/Cereal--a ThickenThin thickener
Makes lowcarb, grain-free hot cereals or stretches a small amount of the high-carb kind into a satisfying bowlful
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